A minor renovation for a big effect without a hefty price-tag! jbcs came to the rescue of this particular dwelling by sprucing up its look and taking its image to the next century via an introduction of some modern-age features. A Merbau deck, screen and fence now set this dwelling apart from the rest of the streetscape without alienating it, thus proving that you do not always have to dream big to achieve the right result!
This particular property is located in one of the flourishing residential areas of Melbourne. Within the last couple of years the streetscape of this suburb has been undergoing an extensive transformation, with new developments springing up on every corner of its confines. The Client at this particular residence was interested in following the trend, however with the dwelling’s age only tipping the 25 year mark it was deemed pointless to carry out any major alterations to its current state. JB Construction Services PTY LTD put forward a plan for a less intrusive approach, which focused on just developing the street facade.
Original appearance was reproduced by JB Construction Services PTY LTD in 3D CAD software and then digitally altered for a more presentable and up to date look.
As seen in the above image the following features were added:
- a new fence – with the frame matched in colour and form to the post of the entryway and Merbau slats for a ‘modern design’ feel and relevance to the deck (see below)
- a gate – added for more security (suggested by the customer)
- a Merbau deck on entrance-way – creating a step-up to the finished floor level and hiding the exposed concrete slab of the footing system beneath
- a screen over the entrance-way – to tie in the fence to the dwelling and create an interesting and modern feature that would give the 25 year old dwelling an up to date look
These suggestions were then put forward to the customer and after some minor alterations the work was carried out.

If you have any further queries about this project or are interested in carrying out one yourself please do not hesitate to contact us.